Nigerian Cuisine

Nigerian Cuisine

An Ode To Jollof

It deserves ALL the accolades. It includes my thoughts and voxpop, real views from real people on the Nigerian street. For bringing us to the table and kitchen, giving West African countries something to fight about 🙂 and something to unite over cc: #Jollofgate What do you think?

All the others, Nigerian Cuisine

Definition: Jollof Wars, #Jollofwarz

Jollof Wars. A compound phrase made up of two words: Jollof of a red, spiced rice dish loved in every city and town ‘South of the Sahara’ and along the coast of West Africa. Synonyms: Djolof, Benachim (Gambia); Thiéboudienne (Senegal) Wars a state of competition or hostility between different people or groups. “she was at war with her parents” Characteristics The […]

Nigerian Cuisine

New Yam Bake

New yam, new yam. By the end of June, I’m clamouring for the ground to give up its harvest of fresh yams – moist, white-fleshed, even if tasteless not as tasty as old yam, because by this time, old yam is both dry and spongy, and frankly hit and miss to select. When new yam […]

Nigerian Cuisine

Nigerian ‘Concept’ Dish: Plantain ‘Fondants’ Moqueca (Palm oil & Coconut Seafood Broth)

The Concept This concept is about my love for Brazil and the beautiful combination of palm oil and coconut milk which at first glance sounds weird but then, when cooked is so delightful in a moqueca. Moqueca (IPA: [moˈkɛkɐ] or IPA: [muˈkɛkɐ] depending on the dialect, also spelled muqueca) is a Brazilian recipe based on salt water fish stew, tomatoes, onions, garlic and coriander. It is slowly cooked in a terra […]