Month: September 2016

Nigerian Cuisine

In Season: Iyeye, Hog Plum

So, a number of friends have told me about Iyeye, a particular orange fruit. Some have mistaken kumquats for it at first glance, similar as they are in colour, shape and size.  One day at work, I had kumquats on my desk and T, my colleague came by. She tried one and was surprised it wasn’t […]

Books & Reads, CooktheNigerianBook, Nigerian Cuisine, Nigerian Food in Literature, Travel & Exploration

Nigerian Food in Literature: The New Yam Festival in ‘Things Fall Apart’

There are one hundred mentions of Yam – one hundred. 100. C (Roman Numerals) in Things Fall Apart (1958)  – the most widely read book in modern African literature. Written by renowned writer, the late Chinua Achebe, the novel is set in late 19th century Nigeria, pre colonisation. It follows the life of Okonkwo, a wrestling champion on a journey that […]