Month: March 2015

Recipes, Techniques

How to Make Soursop Cream

Once you have your peeled & prepped soursop, you can make a quick ‘cream’. All that’s required? Blitzing in the blender or food processor to ‘unify’ the texture. I tend to blend with a bit of water but any liquid would do. I store the blended mixture and use it in a wealth of ways […]


The Anatomy of Soursop

Annona muricata, also known as Soursop. Apparently, it is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw. Growing up, this was one of my older sister’s favourite fruits. I’d watch her eat it and suck creamy pulp from black seeds. Occassionally, I would tuck in and enjoy but it was […]

Nigerian Cuisine, Recipes

Preserved: Agbalumo Leather

I’d never made fruit leather before. Never really thought about it till Chi of Oya Come Chop suggested making some leather when I made some Agbalumo Puree.  And then flicking through Traditional Foods, I happened upon a recipe for Fruit leathers.  Joy untold.  Fruit leathers are homemade fruit rolls. They are a tasty chewy, dried fruit […]