Search Results for "meyer lemons"

Travel & Exploration

Grand Central, New York

The orange lights on the ground twinkle like sparkling jewels as we make our descent, welcoming me to New York. My ears fill up, the pressure difference makes them stuffed while the road down below winds in long stretches with mobile jewels, the cars beneath forming a long, long necklace, it’s almost like a Broadway […]


On Flavoured Oils: Kumquat Oil

The kumquat is of the genus citrus Fortunella sensu stricto and cousin to other citruses – oranges, lemons and limes sensu lato. Its name might lure you into considering a friendship, if not familial bond with that other homophone of a fruit, the loquat but fear not, they have no ties that bind unlike its […]

Recipes, Techniques

Lime Fever: 30 Things to do with Limes

mswanawana wrote on Instagram: ‘Its official. You are obsessed with limes. Get on with the lime and lemon grass cordial’ Limes. Zip. Zing. Zest. Great with sweet – mangoes, ripe plantains, pawpaw, perfect with spice, like cardamom; herbs like mint and tang, like yogurt. Pushed and prodded by Miss Wana Wana on Instagram, I decided to […]

Travel & Exploration

Lemon & Lemon Bars

Do you sense it as well? This grasping at straws. The Meyers are leaving me be. And I sit here, moaning the end of a season, a friendship….a love affair even, …..with Meyers, my Meyers. The strawberries are no better. They’ve turned an insipid colour that I won’t dignify by calling red. For these bear […]