Search Results for "flavour pairing"

Travel & Exploration

Flavour Pairings with Agbalumo

Yes, flavour pairings are a personal thing…what people like to eat together, but also what ingredients go with what. They are also based on scientific studies – flavour families with which we’re familiar, like floral of Zobo and Meyer lemons; citrus of oranges and limes and lemons; and on and on and on. The truth is […]

Philosophy & Practice

The ‘New Nigerian Kitchen’ is a term I coined in 2013 and articulated in my 2014 TEDx Talk to describe my approach and practice to the many faces and facets of Nigerian cuisine and my strong belief that Food is more than eating – practically all aspects of life are reflected on the plate. I think of […]

Nigerian Cuisine, Travel & Exploration, Vegan & Vegetarian

Matrimony – An Agbalumo (Star Apple) Fruit Salad From Jamaica

It’s the season of my favourite ‘fruit to explore’ – Agbalumo aka the African star apple. The star apple is found in many Caribbean and South East Asian countries, including Jamaica. Around the world in star apples Around the world in star apple names Why am I so intrigued about this fruit one might wonder? […]